Tuesday 28 February 2012

some time off work

I had some holiday to use up at work so I have a glorious two weeks off. I'm planning to spend most of the time sitting in my pyjamas (which is what I'm currently doing..I'm so stylish) but it does mean that I might actually get to grips with blogging and start posting proper things! 
I've got a fair few things to post about including my recent purchases, of which a fair few are from London Fashion Weekend :) so I'll get posting when I've sorted my life out! I'm currently undertaking a HUGE and long overdue tidy and sort out of my bedroom which has given me enormous bin bags full of clothes to take to charity shops or put on ebay, which is a bit of a mission! 
But I've made it my mission, i WILL start blogging properly! 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

trying to cook

I need some HELP.
I'm going to spell it out..I cannot cook. My boyfriend can cook. Because of this he ALWAYS cooks and I do feel quite bad about it (although not bad enough to offer help).
So for Valentines Day I want to cook him dinner and I have no idea what to make. I'm considering making him a fancy pizza with seafood on it for a main course as that shouldn't be too hard but I don't know what to make for a starter? I'm very aware that everything I can cook he can cook better.
Maybe I'll just get him drunk so he won't notice?
Someone take pity on me and give me an idea of something easy to cook, that may even impress him?
I'd love you forever

beginning a blog.

Is it just me or is coming up with the name of your blog the hardest part? I think it's so easy to sound stupid or pretentious, even calling it "miss j" makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable, and that was a last resort because I couldn't think of anything else.  It's just going to be random things about my life and fashion, so if anyone happens to read this and think of a better name, please let me know! At the moment I feel like it should be called "blogging to no one.." oh well.